
Architecture Models and Urban Projects (1960-2022)

In order to highlight the conservation and restoration work of the model collection in the municipal archives department, the city of Toulouse has commissioned an archival exhibition from the Maison de l'Architecture Occitanie-Pyrénées to be held at a symbolic location in the city: the Hôpital de la Grave, which aims to be transformed soon into an art center.

The objectives are manifold: not only to showcase the projects that have shaped Toulouse, telling their narrative following the course of the Garonne River, but also to make the meticulous work of the archivists and their dedicated model restoration service more visible and comprehensible. It is also a matter of care about the preservation of these models, which have been stored stacked on top of each other, risking rapid degradation over time and through handling.

In line with this conservation approach, the city of Toulouse has undertaken a significant restoration project for these models, which bear witness to the history of the city's various urban policies from the 1960s to the present day. Protective covers are therefore being manufactured.

The scenography is conceived with a dual ecological purpose: on one hand, the podiums that will display the models to the public will also serve as storage boxes afterwards ; on the other hand, these boxes will be designed with an extreme economy of materials, reducing them to their essential elements. Scenography often generates substantial waste, but this time, nothing created for the exhibition will be discarded. From the outset, the podiums are designed with their post-exhibition life in mind, and their future usage then defines the aesthetic of the entire exhibition: that of art transport crates used on ships.

The podiums highlight the models to the point of becoming inconspicuous within the exhibition, yet they are generous. Their design is simple but allows for a hand to be placed, a bag to be rested, or leaning in to contemplate the details of the models. Each side is also designed to display labels and other captions, providing a glimpse of the classification system employed by the archival service, and later enabling efficient storage.

programexhibition (scenography)
missionproject manager for mbl architectesclienttoulouse métropole — archives municipales de toulouseteammbl architectes (scenography) — maison de l’architecture occtianie-pyrénées (curation) — atelier huz&bossard (graphic design)locationhôpital de la grave, toulouse FRyearseptember 17th, 2022 january 2nd, 2023statuscompleted

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